31 May, 2011


image from the movie The Fall from director Tarsem Singh


First there are the utopias. Utopias are sites with no real place. They are sites that have a general relation of direct or inverted analogy with the real space of Society. They present society itself in a perfected form, or else society turned upside down, but in any case these utopias are fundamentally unreal spaces.

There are also, probably in every culture, in every civilization, real places - places that do exist and that are formed in the very founding of society - which are something like counter-sites, a kind of effectively enacted utopia in which the real sites, all the other real sites that can be found within the culture, are simultaneously represented, contested, and inverted. Places of this kind are outside of all places, even though it may be possible to indicate their location in reality. Because these places are absolutely different from all the sites that they reflect and speak about, I shall call them, by way of contrast to utopias, heterotopias. I believe that between utopias and these quite other sites, these heterotopias, there might be a sort of mixed, joint experience, which would be the mirror. The mirror is, after all, a utopia, since it is a placeless place. In the mirror, I see myself there where I am not, in an unreal, virtual space that opens up behind the surface; I am over there, there where I am not, a sort of shadow that gives my own visibility to myself, that enables me to see myself there where I am absent: such is the utopia of the mirror. But it is also a heterotopia in so far as the mirror does exist in reality, where it exerts a sort of counteraction on the position that I occupy. From the standpoint of the mirror I discover my absence from the place where I am since I see myself over there. Starting from this gaze that is, as it were, directed toward me, from the ground of this virtual space that is on the other side of the glass, I come back toward myself; I begin again to direct my eyes toward myself and to reconstitute myself there where I am. The mirror functions as a heterotopia in this respect: it makes this place that I occupy at the moment when I look at myself in the glass at once absolutely real, connected with all the space that surrounds it, and absolutely unreal, since in order to be perceived it has to pass through this virtual point which is over there.


Brothels and colonies are two extreme types of heterotopia, and if we think, after all, that the boat is a floating piece of space, a place without a place, that exists by itself, that is closed in on itself and at the same time is given over to the infinity of the sea and that, from port to port, from tack to tack, from brothel to brothel, it goes as far as the colonies in search of the most precious treasures they conceal in their gardens, you will understand why the boat has not only been for our civilization, from the sixteenth century until the present, the great instrument of economic development (I have not been speaking of that today), but has been simultaneously the greatest reserve of the imagination. The ship is the heterotopia par excellence. In civilizations without boats, dreams dry up, espionage takes the place of adventure, and the police take the place of pirates.

Source: http://foucault.info/documents/heteroTopia/foucault.heteroTopia.en.html

30 May, 2011

Netrebko 2

29 May, 2011


26 May, 2011

under the sea

24 May, 2011

ces lettres... ces lettres...

Werther... Werther...
Qui m'aurait dit la place que dans mon coeur
il occupe aujourd'hui?
Depuis qu'il est parti, malgré moi,
tout me lasse! Et mon âme est pleine de lui!
Ces lettres!
ces lettres!
Ah! je les relis sans cesse...
Avec quel charme...
mais aussi quelle tristesse!
Je devrais les détruire... je ne puis!
"Je vous écris
de ma petite chambre:
au ciel gris
et lourd de Décembre
pèse sur moi comme un linceul,
Et je suis seul! seul! toujours seul!"
Ah! personne auprès de lui!
pas un seul témoignage de tendresse...
ou même de pitié!
Dieu! comment m'est venu ce triste courage,
d'ordonner cet exil et cet isolement?
«Des cris joyeux d'enfants montent
sous ma fenêtre,
Des cris d'enfants!
Et je pense à ce temps si doux.
Où tous vos chers petits jouaient
autour de nous!
Ils m'oublieront peut-être?»
Non, Werther, dans leur souvenir votre
image reste vivante...
et quand vous reviendrez...
mais doit-il revenir?
Ah! ce dernier billet me glace et m'épouvante!
"Tu m'as dit: à Noël, et j'ai crié: jamais!
On va bientôt connaître
qui de nous disait vrai! Mais
si je ne dois reparaître
au jour fixé, devant toi,
ne m'accuse pas,
«Ne m'accuse pas, pleure-moi!»
Oui, de ces yeux si pleins de charmes,
ces lignes...tu les reliras,
tu les mouilleras de tes larmes...
O Charlotte, et tu frémiras!»
...tu frémiras!
tu frémiras!

23 May, 2011

cachée, ma face


Massa: 200gr farinha
100gr manteiga
1/2 c.sopa sal
5 c. sopa água
amassar e deixar no frigorífico


2 chávenas farinha
2 c. sopa água
1 c.chá sal
1 ovo
1/2 chávena de manteiga fria

3 ovos
250ml natas
125grs queijo


22 May, 2011

Let's do some living, after we die

The Sundays cover 'Wild Horses' by The Rolling Stones

10 May, 2011

08 May, 2011

can I follow ?

03 May, 2011