22 December, 2009

i'm rich!

Home sweet home!!!

it was great coming out of the airplane last night and feeling the warm air on my face!
I'm home!!!! 15 degrees celsius! YEAH!
then at home it was really cool... just like it was outside..
15 degrees brrrrr
that's Mediterranean homestyle
today: me, my mummy and my sister, and her yet unborn baby that I already love a lot!! went christmas shopping =)

Still.. Home is where the heart is... right? And my heart is at two places at the same time...
Cool! I have two homes!
I'm rich!!!!
WOOOOOhoooo =)

20 December, 2009

Melissa Auf Der Maur

love her. It's a wonderful memory I have:
I watched her live in Lisbon and loved her right a way...
She is so inspiring!



17 December, 2009


14 December, 2009

Nina Proll - schauspielerin

Nina Proll

Österreichische schauspielerin, hat in mehr als 50 Filme mitgespielt.

"Bereits im Kindergarten machte ich mich durch Neunmal-Klugheit, Besserwisserei und Strebertum bemerkbar, bestach aber durch ein derart liebliches Äußeres, dass niemand mir böse sein konnte. Im Gegenteil, all dies verhalf mir sogar zu meiner 1. Theaterrolle: dem Weihnachtsengel im Krippenspiel! Von Talent konnte hier keine Rede sein.

Ich war sehr erpicht darauf gewesen, in die Schule zu kommen, denn die Schule war für mich der Ort, an dem man beweisen konnte, dass man besser war als alle anderen. Und das wollte ich: Beweisen, dass ich besser war. Ich war daher sehr gut in der Schule, ging brav in die Kirche und bestand bald selbst auf eine Zahnspange."

aus: Her Story
ofizielle Seite

13 December, 2009


Klagenfurt, Kärnten. September 2009

I had an awesome weekend in Klagenfurt. The lake is quite warm, so we ended up swimming a lot!

Jugend in einer österreichischen Stadt - Erzählung

Die Zeit der Andeutungen ist zu Ende. Man spricht vor ihnen (den Kindern) von Genickschüssen, vom Hängen, Liquidieren, Sprengen, und was sie nicht hören und sehen, riechen sie, wie sie die Toten von St. Ruprecht riechen, die man nicht ausgraben kann, weil das Kino darübergefallen ist, in das sie heimlich gegangen sind, um die `Romanze in Moll´ zu sehen. Jugendliche waren nicht zugelassen, aber dann waren sie es doch, zu dem großen Sterben und Morden ein paar Tage später und alle Tage danach.
Es ist nie mehr Licht im Haus. Kein Glas im Fenster. Keine Tür in der Angel. Niemand rührt sich und niemand erhebt sich.

Ingeborg Bachmann: Jugend in einer österreichischen Stadt. 1996 München: Taschenbuch S.14.

police car in Vienna, Austria

I can't really imagine a car chase with a car like this =)

Must belong to the fashionistas-crime Department...

08 December, 2009

Mark Bittman's Breakfast suggestions

Did a quick research on Mark Bittman's recipes and came up with this.
I'm buying one of his books for my dad as a X-mas gift.

Hybrid Quick Bread
- serves 4 to 6 -

Adapted from Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating by Mark Bittman.

1/4 cup olive oil, plus more for the pan
2 cups whole wheat flour, plus more if needed
1 cup all-purpose white flour, plus more as needed
1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt, preferably coarse or sea salt, plus more for sprinkling
3/4 cup yogurt or buttermilk
3/4 cup warm water
2 tablespoons honey (optional)

1. Heat the oven to 375°F. Grease a cookie sheet or 8-inch square baking pan with about a tablespoon of olive oil. Put the flours, baking powder, soda, and salt in a food processor and turn the machine on. Into the feed tube, pour first the 1/4 cup olive oil, then the yogurt, most of the water, and the honey (if you're using it).

2. Process for a few seconds, until the dough is a well-defined, barely sticky, easy-to-handle ball. If it is too dry, add the remaining water 1 tablespoon at a t ime and process for 5 or 10 seconds after each addition. If it is too wet (this is unlikely), add 1 or 2 tablespoons of whole wheat flour and process briefly.

3. Form the dough into a round and put it on the cookie sheet or press into the prepared pan, all the way to the edges. Bake for 20 minutes then sprinkle the top with a little coarse sea salt, and continue baking for another 35 to 40 minutes, until the loaf is firm and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool completely, then cut the bread into slices or squares and serve or store for up to a day.

- makes about 3 dozen bite-size balls -

1 1/2 cups dried fruit
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons honey (optional)
Fruit juice or water, as needed
1 cup ready-to-eat breakfast cereal, like granola
Crumbled shredded wheat, whole grain flakes, finely ground nuts, cocoa, or shredded unsweetened coconut for rolling

1. Put the dried fruit, oil, and honey if you are using it in a food processor and puree until smooth, adding fruit juice a little at a time to keep the machine running. You'll need to stop once or twice to scrape down the sides of the bowl. (Add small amounts of water or fruit juice if the fruit is dried out and is not processing.) Fold in the cereal until evenly distributed.

2. Take a heaping tablespoon of the mixture and roll it into a ball. Then if you like, roll the ball around in your topping of choice. Put the ball between layers of waxes paper in a tightly covered container and refrigerate until set, about 45 minutes. Eat immediately, or store in the fridge for up to several days. You can also wrap the balls individually in wax paper like candies.

Fruit and Cereal Bars: Line an 8-inch by 8-inch pan with foil. Follow the recipe through Step 2. Spread the mixture in the pan, pushing it into the corners and evening the top. Refrigerate to set as above. If you like, dust the top with any of the toppings. Then cut into squares.

Zucchini Fritters
- serves 4 -

About 2 pounds zucchini, eggplant, or turnips, peeled if necessary and grated
1/2 onion, peeled and grated
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cup flour or plain bread crumbs, more as needed
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 to 4 tablespoons butter or extra virgin olive oil

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl except butter or olive oil. The mixture should be fairly loose but not iquid; add more flour or bread crumbs if necessary.

2. Put butter or oil in a large skillet and turn heat to medium-high. When the oil is hot, put generous spoonfuls of batter in the pan. Cook, flipping once, until nicely browned on both sides - 10 to 15 minutes total.

3. Serve hot or at room temperature.

Fig Clafouti
- serves 6 -
Adapted from Everyday Food magazine.

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus more for the pan
8 ounces dried figs, stemmed and coarsely chopped
1 1/4 cups Everyday Baking Mix (recipe follows)
3 large eggs
1 cup half-and-half
Confectioners sugar, for dusting

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter a 9-inch baking dish or cake pan. In a small bowl, toss the figs with 1/4 cup of the baking mix.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, half-and-half, melted butter, and remaining cup of baking mix. Add figs and stir until just combined. Pour batter into pan and place pan on a baking sheet. Bake until center of clafouti is set, about 30 minutes. Let cool until barely warm. Dust with confectioners’ sugar and serve.

Everyday Baking Mix (Quarter Portion)

1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cups of sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
Scant teaspoon salt

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Whisk well.


02 December, 2009

sugestão em português!!!

Descobri hoje os textos e o blog da N'Yumi.

Achei engraçada a coincidência: não assava maçãs há anos.
Porque no quarto onde moro (residência de estudantes) não tenho forno.
Até que há uns tempos comprei um, bem pequeno.
Hoje aceitei a sugestão da minha mãe e fiz uma das sobremesas mais caseiras e familiares (daquilo que eu considero a cozinha da minha mãe, avó, pai etc.) e fiz duas maçãzinhas assadas - bem como eu gosto: um pouquinho de açúcar (nao muito) e muiiiiiiiita canela.

Com o cheiro a canela no ar a pairar e depois de uma tarde de inércia a tentar aguentar a tarde de outono sem adormecer

encontrei o blog "café e canela

e imediatamente me ocorreu de mandar o link ao moscovo, porque sei que ele iria adorar lê-lo.

aproveito para deixar aqui a sugestão! um blog quase minimalista como eu gosto, mas bonito e muito feminino.

e depois de tanta canela ficou a vontade de beber um café, à portuguesa...
vá lá... uma bica!
aqui a bica custa 1,90!


Today I had to write a really important exam. I had just walked out of my university still thinking about my answers while I was going through the park to get to the tram station, when I noticed a little old couple looking down at a brown chicken.

It was nice and sunny and amazingly it was not very cold.

The couple must have thought "What a fine day to take our chick for a little walk!"

That is what they did!

They took a big basket (THE CHICKEN WAS HUGEEEEE, maybe a rooster?????) with them and they let it out just there, in the middle of a walking path.

I smiled at the couple and stood there to watch what the chick would do. The old couple kind of felt under pressure I guess...

So they pushed the chick a little so it would move around :D

What impressed me was the level of relaxation of that chicken...

as if it was the most normal thing in the world, going out for a walk.

Hopefully she does not get nervous around dogs!!!

(picture was taken by elke