22 September, 2010


21 September, 2010

contado ninguém acredita!!!!

Ai contado ninguém acredita
Quando eu vou na procissão
Não há moça mais bonita

Ai contado ninguém acredita
Vão os santos pelo chão
E eu no andor da santinha

Que é milagre
Diz quem sabe
Eu não sei
Mas até a virgem mãe
Me gabou a casaquinha

Que é milagre
Diz quem sabe
Eu não sei
De tão bela até ganhei
Um altar na capelinha

Ó mas ainda não sou Deus
Para reinar nos olhos teus
Que veneram o Divino

E eu tão bela e imaculada
Só não sou idolatrada
Por quem eu mais admiro

Ai contado ninguém acredita
Quando eu vou na procissão
Até o menino assobia

Ai contado ninguém acredita
Os homens em multidão
Fazem a mim romaria

Que é milagre
Diz quem sabe
Eu não sei
Se é das unhas que pintei
Se é da luz que me alumia

Que é milagre
Diz quem sabe
Eu não sei
todos dizem que o meu bem
Lhes dá mais sentido à vida

Ó mas ainda não sou Deus
Para reinar nos olhos teus
Que veneram o Divino

E eu tão bela e imaculada
Só não sou idolatrada
Por quem eu mais admiro

16 September, 2010

old traditions and multicultural ceremony

So me and some friends are preparing a big birthday party for a friend.
You would imagine balloons, pop music and presents, right?

We will be doing something very different!

We are celebrating a religious ceremony, which in an anthropological kind of way, makes me really excited and curious!
I can't write more about it now, because it will be kept a secret!!!

In a recent trip to the muslim world, I often observed the rituals of washing before prayer and it fascinated me! (in an anthropological kind of way)

The Halal food (for muslims), The Kashrut (kosher food for jews), were laws to keep first and foremost the best hygiene conditions possible.
Since pork meat is a kind of meat that, unless well preserved makes people easily ill, the eating laws for the religions in warm countries stated that pork should be banished.

With the same train of thought, cleanliness was also achieved by instituting the laws of cleaning before prayer etc.

Isn't it genius?

At that time, I think it was the best self-preservation rule they could have come up with.
The next best invention of humanity was probably SOAP and not the wheel.

Ok. I may be slightly inaccurate with the time lines, tradition origins, cultures and facts, but in a drop, this is what actually happened...

The story of the head scarf is equally interesting! Since at the time, the ruling behavior was immorality, the religion ordered men and women to cover their bodies.

the thing, was women had to mask and hide the shapes of their bodies, so the immorality would stop!
pretty interesting, since I would not consider this a self-preserving measure, but a question of moral!

I wish I would read this piece of wisdom and spread the word


read more here