11 December, 2008

Justice - Stress

First watch this video, a videoclip very well made by Romain-Gravas for the song Stress, by the french electronica duo Justice

the clip might have awakened a lot of strong feelings in you, maybe you couldn't even watch it until the end,
but before you do any judgments and tag this video with violence/sensationalism
watch the following analysis of the video (in French)

you can also watch two very good parodies of the original video, also with criticism hints in them =)

Justesse - No Stress

(No) Stress

10 December, 2008

favorite songs II

this is a favorite of mine, song and video.. are just... breathtaking

Sparks! music for cold wintery nights

06 December, 2008

portrait and photography

had already posted this portrait, but felt like posting again =)

also wanted to leave here some nice websites from photographers or concerning photography
Just take a look

Lara Jade blog

Tendencias Fotograficas

Masters Of Fine Art Photography