23 July, 2006

urban fission


22 July, 2006

Sir Cecil Beaton + Sir James Dean

A manipulation just for the fun.
The background is an image of my own, and Beaton's portrait...well I don't know from where I got it anymore...

Below a scanned image from a magnet I bought the other day from www.cinemascope.com.pt
Can't wait to have my own fridge and be able to look at it each day!
The qualiy isn't good, but the magnet is great: it's almost A6 size and wasn't too expensive. I haven't paid for it yet :D - a friend did it for me!
The guy walking down the avenues in New York is James Dean.
It's a classic... he has a curious expression on his face. The full view still won't do him justice...

19 July, 2006


Experience with the Soligor 28mm f1.8.
This cute lens cost me around 20€ and I didn't like it at all when I first received it.
I tried using it in portraits but the quality was horrible. The optics are clean, but I can't get sharp details with it. There is always a gloomy/dreamy unfocused light that I can't get rid off.
Oh well for that price I couldn't expect much more from it. But this sample here looks ok..

I placed it here because I found there is really little about Soligor lenses when I first bought it.
secondly I also wanted to desconstruct the idea that a photography gallery must be pretty and beautiful
DeviantART does that just fine.
Here I allow myself to play a little and it feels good.
I'm ridiculously far from participating actively with new pictures every week. Lately I just don't feel interested in things that surround me.
I'm doing a bit of studying and reading (Susan Sontag's books- which I recommend) and hopefully a new desire to actually do stuff will arise.