17 October, 2014

15 October, 2014

Ilusão Perdida de Pablo Neruda

Florida ilusão que em mim deixaste
a lentidão duma inquietude
vibrando em meu sentir tu juntaste
todos os sonhos da minha juventude.

Depois dum amargor tu afastaste-te,
e a princípio não percebi. Tu partiras
tal como chegaste uma tarde
para alentar meu coração mergulhado

na profundidade dum desencanto.
Depois perfumaste-te com meu pranto,
fiz-te doçura do meu coração,

agora tens aridez de nó,
um novo desencanto, árvore nua
que amanhã se tornará germinação.

Pablo Neruda, in 'Cadernos de Temuco'
Tradução de Albano Martins

I've been waiting, I've been sitting thinking 'bout this situation

Sampha rocks

05 October, 2014


01 October, 2014

it burns

06 August, 2014

me minus you

24 June, 2014

you get a little colder

fuckin' with a goddess and you get a little colder

She gave it all, you gave her shit
She coulda done, just anything
Or anyone, cause she's a goddess
You never got this
You put her down, you liked her hopeless
To walk around, feeling unnoticed
You shoulda crowned her, cause she's a goddess
You never got this

Now you gotta deal with this glitch on your shoulder
Fucking with a goddess and you get a little colder
Yea it's colder, colder
Fucking with a goddess, and you get a little colder

Finally surfaced above doubts
Feeling above this, she came around
Cause she's a goddess, finally saw this
And now you're back, trying to claim her
Cause she's gone and now without her
You're all alone, cause she's a goddess
You shoulda saw this

21 June, 2014

Kafka, o vegetariano que não comia peixes

De repente, ele começou a falar aos peixes nos seus tanques iluminados. “Agora, por fim, posso olhá-los em paz, porque já não os como.” Foi quando ele se tornou vegetariano rigoroso. Se nunca ouviram Kafka a dizer coisas deste género com os seus próprios lábios, é difícil imaginar quão simples e facilmente, sem qualquer afetação, sem o mínimo pingo de sentimentalismo – algo que lhe era  quase totalmente estranho  – ele as pronunciava.

Cavalos-marinhos, mais do que a maioria dos animais, inspiram estupefação – eles chamam nossa atenção para as assombrosas semelhanças e as diferenças entre cada tipo de criatura e todas as outras. Podem mudar de cor para se mesclar com o ambiente e bater suas nadadeiras dorsais quase tão rapidamente quanto um beija-flor bate suas asas. Devido ao fato de não terem dente ou estômago, a comida passa através deles quase num só instante, o que requer que eles comam o tempo todo. (Daí as adaptações, como olhos que se movem com independência e lhes permitem procurar presas sem mexer a cabeça.) Não são exímios nadadores; podem morrer de exaustão quando pegos mesmo por pequenas correntes, então preferem ancorar-se em algas marinhas ou corais, ou uns aos outros – eles gostam de nadar aos pares, ligados por seus rabos preênseis. Cavalos-marinhos têm rotinas complicadas para fazer a corte e tendem a se acasalar em noites de lua cheia, fazendo sons musicais enquanto isso. Vivem relações monogâmicas duradouras. O que talvez seja mais incomum, contudo, é o fato de ser o macho que carrega os filhotes por seis semanas. O machos ficam “grávidos”, não somente carregando, mas também fertilizando e nutrindo com secreções líquidas os ovos em desenvolvimento. A imagem dos machos dando a luz é sempre assombrosa: um líquido turvo irrompe da bolsa de gestação, e, como num passe de mágica, cavalos-marinhos minúsculos mas formados por completo aparecem de dentro dessa nuvem.


E sentia vergonha por ser humano: a vergonha em saber que vinte entre o número aproximado de 35 espécies de cavalos-marinhos classificadas no mundo estão ameaçadas de extinção porque são mortas “sem querer” na produção de frutos do mar. A vergonha pela matança indiscriminada, sem nenhuma necessidade nutricional, causa política, ódio irracional ou conflito humano insolúvel. Sentia-me culpado pelas mortes que minha cultura justificava com uma preocupação tão ténue quanto o sabor do atum em lata (os cavalos-marinhos estão entre as mais de cem espécies mortas como “captura acidental” na indústria moderna de atum) ou pelo fato de os camarões constituírem convenientes hors d’oeuvres (a pesca de arrastão do camarão devasta as populações de cavalos-marinhos mais do que qualquer outra atividade).

Jonathan Safran Foer

Little Dragon - Cat Rider

Two months ago now
Since she came around your house
Her answering machine's full
He thinks listening could give her doubts
But when this girl's made up her mind... She's made up her mind

Possibly Maybe Electric Shocks and Cigarettes

Your flirt finds me out
Teases the crack in me
Smittens me with hope
Possibly maybe, possibly maybe, possibly maybe
As much as I definitely enjoy solitude
I wouldn't mind perhaps
Spending little time with you
Sometimes, sometimes
Possibly maybe probably love
Possibly maybe probably love

Uncertainty excites me
Who knows what's going to happen?
Lottery or car crash
Or you'll join a cult
Probably maybe, possibly love
This is probably maybe, possibly love

Mon petit vulcan
You're eruptions and disasters
I keep calm
Admiring your lava
I keep calm
Possibly maybe probably love
Possibly maybe probably love
Electric shocks
I love them
With you dozen a day
But after a while I wonder
Where's that love you promised me?
Where is it?
Possibly maybe probably love
Possibly maybe probably love

How can you offer me love like that?
My heart's burned
How can you offer me love like that?
I'm exhausted
Leave me alone
Possibly maybe, possibly maybe, possibly maybe
Since we broke up
I'm using lipstick again
I suck my tongue
In remembrance of you

20 June, 2014

Stellardrone - new album

Once Stellardrone publishes his tracks on the Internet he waives all the rights to them and only kindly asks for attribution. Any person or organization is free to use any track of his on any kind of project (commercial, independent etc.), including selling, remixing and distribution of music.

15 June, 2014

Martina Topley-Bird

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 138

When my love swears that she is made of truth,
I do believe her, though I know she lies,
That she might think me some untutor'd youth,
Unlearned in the world's false subtleties.
Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young,
Although she knows my days are past the best,
Simply I credit her false-speaking tongue:
On both sides thus is simple truth supprest.
But wherefore says she not she is unjust?
And wherefore say not I that I am old?
O, love's best habit is in seeming trust,
And age in love loves not to have years told:
Therefore I lie with her, and she with me,
And in our faults by lies we flatter'd be.

14 June, 2014

Marguerite Yourcenar

Aimer les yeux fermés, c'est aimer comme un aveugle. Aimer les yeux ouverts, c'est peut-être aimer comme un fou : c'est éperdument accepter. Je t'aime comme une folle.

(Feux: http://www.babelio.com/livres/Yourcenar-Feux/36512)

13 June, 2014

The Day the Saucers Came by Neil Gaiman

That Day, the saucers landed. Hundreds of them, golden,
Silent, coming down from the sky like great snowflakes,
And the people of Earth stood and
stared as they descended,
Waiting, dry-mouthed, to find out what waited inside for us
And none of us knowing if we would be here tomorrow
But you didn’t notice because
That day, the day the saucers came, by some some coincidence,
Was the day that the graves gave up their dead
And the zombies pushed up through soft earth
or erupted, shambling and dull-eyed, unstoppable,
Came towards us, the living, and we screamed and ran,
But you did not notice this because
On the saucer day, which was zombie day, it was
Ragnarok also, and the television screens showed us
A ship built of dead-men’s nails, a serpent, a wolf,
All bigger than the mind could hold,
and the cameraman could
Not get far enough away, and then the Gods came out
But you did not see them coming because
On the saucer-zombie-battling-gods
day the floodgates broke
And each of us was engulfed by genies and sprites
Offering us wishes and wonders and eternities
And charm and cleverness and true
brave hearts and pots of gold
While giants feefofummed across
the land and killer bees,
But you had no idea of any of this because
That day, the saucer day, the zombie day
The Ragnarok and fairies day,
the day the great winds came
And snows and the cities turned to crystal, the day
All plants died, plastics dissolved, the day the
Computers turned, the screens telling
us we would obey, the day
Angels, drunk and muddled, stumbled from the bars,
And all the bells of London were sounded, the day
Animals spoke to us in Assyrian, the Yeti day,
The fluttering capes and arrival of
the Time Machine day,
You didn’t notice any of this because
you were sitting in your room, not doing anything
not even reading, not really, just
looking at your telephone,
wondering if I was going to call.

27 May, 2014

22 May, 2014

so I can tame the cat

O you know I need your mystic mind
For you are leading us towards the un-blind
We know that magic is a part of life
Love is won when we aren't bound by time

When we have animals, we'll start a tribe
you'll be the shepherd as we all head towards the un-blind
Fell into the fault and now we feel too deep
O Love is won when we're bound and still feel free

A puzzle planted on the forest floor has grown tall by now
Forever is asleep it is a tiny jewel in the tiger mouth
I'm walking in the woods, I'm looking for the one
And I'm about to pounce so I can tame the cat,
So I can find the myth and let forever out.

I could fall into a valley so low
O love is won when we don't need free to grow
We can go higher says your mystic mind
Unbind the time and go on up towards the un-blind

A puzzle planted on the forest floor has grown tall by now
Forever is asleep it is a tiny jewel in the tiger mouth
I'm walking in the woods, I'm looking for the one
And I'm about to pounce so I can tame the cat,
So I can find the myth and let forever out.
O you know I need your mystic mind
For you are leading us towards the un-blind
We know that magic is a part of life
Love is won when we aren't bound by time

When we have animals, we'll start a tribe
you'll be the shepherd as we all head towards the un-blind
Fell into the fault and now we feel too deep
O Love is won when we're bound and still feel free

A puzzle planted on the forest floor has grown tall by now
Forever is asleep it is a tiny jewel in the tiger mouth
I'm walking in the woods, I'm looking for the one
And I'm about to pounce so I can tame the cat,
So I can find the myth and let forever out.

I could fall into a valley so low
O love is won when we don't need free to grow
We can go higher says your mystic mind
Unbind the time and go on up towards the un-blind

A puzzle planted on the forest floor has grown tall by now
Forever is asleep it is a tiny jewel in the tiger mouth
I'm walking in the woods, I'm looking for the one
And I'm about to pounce so I can tame the cat,
So I can find the myth and let forever out.
Lyrics submitted by Josie.
These lyrics are not available for printing.

Read more at http://www.lyrics.com/love-is-won-lyrics-lia-ices.html#ilFsj1OSw96YoiEs.99
O you know I need your mystic mind
For you are leading us towards the un-blind
We know that magic is a part of life
Love is won when we aren't bound by time

When we have animals, we'll start a tribe
you'll be the shepherd as we all head towards the un-blind
Fell into the fault and now we feel too deep
O Love is won when we're bound and still feel free

A puzzle planted on the forest floor has grown tall by now
Forever is asleep it is a tiny jewel in the tiger mouth
I'm walking in the woods, I'm looking for the one
And I'm about to pounce so I can tame the cat,
So I can find the myth and let forever out.

I could fall into a valley so low
O love is won when we don't need free to grow
We can go higher says your mystic mind
Unbind the time and go on up towards the un-blind

A puzzle planted on the forest floor has grown tall by now
Forever is asleep it is a tiny jewel in the tiger mouth
I'm walking in the woods, I'm looking for the one
And I'm about to pounce so I can tame the cat,
So I can find the myth and let forever out.
Lyrics submitted by Josie.
These lyrics are not available for printing.

Read more at http://www.lyrics.com/love-is-won-lyrics-lia-ices.html#ilFsj1OSw96YoiEs.99

18 May, 2014

nothing behind me

11 May, 2014

Don't Think Right, It's All Twice

Sheep, a short story

We had been walking for miles and I was starting to become tired, not only because my feet had started to ache but also because Joe could not stop talking. He was not like the other boys I knew from school. He seemed much more shy when he was with the other classmates. I don’t know why I decided to ask him where he was going after school. Now his trifling conversations were boring me. He was telling me about how he once got himself cut in a crevice on that very same spot where we were standing when he suddenly chuckled. He was starting to annoy me with his silly stories. ‘Here it was! See that crack over there on that rock? We were running from the shepherd when I suddenly fell and cut my hand.’
‘Why were even you running from a shepherd?’ I asked quickly, suspecting foul play. He did not answer right away, I think he was pondering if should tell me the reason or not. I harkened while he strode along the roadside. ‘Well, I was with the other guys from school and we kind of got mad at the sheep because they were so loud. We were trying to take a nap on the grass and they were really loud. One of the sheep just had had little lambs and you can’t imagine how loud they all were. So… You know Tom? Tom and me, we stifled one of the baby lambs…’
I was vexed and could not believe him. He kept going as if was a natural thing, explaining how he had deceived the shepherd when he found out one of the sheep had died. Then he started praising his own sagacity and his cunning behavior, because he had been much smarter than Tom. ‘You see, he does not even know how to trick somebody during a chase. I do!’ 

Mariana Agria

Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass - on the beach at night alone


ON the beach at night alone,
As the old mother sways her to and fro singing her

husky song,
As I watch the bright stars shining, I think a thought
of the clef of the universes and of the future.

A vast similitude interlocks all,
All spheres, grown, ungrown, small, large, suns, moons,
All distances of place however wide,
All distances of time, all inanimate forms,
All souls, all living bodies though they be ever so
different, or in different worlds,
All gaseous, watery, vegetable, mineral processes, the
fishes, the brutes,
All nations, colours, barbarisms, civilizations, languages,
All identities that have existed or may exist on this
globe, or any globe,
All lives and deaths, all of the past, present, future,
This vast similitude spans them, and always has spann'd,
And shall forever span them and compactly hold and
enclose them.

Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure

“Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy.”



Giacomo Casanova

Walt Whitman (1819–1892). Leaves of Grass. 1900.

This is the female form;
A divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot; 
It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction! 
I am drawn by its breath as if I were no more than a helpless vapor—all falls aside but myself and it;  55
Books, art, religion, time, the visible and solid earth, the atmosphere and the clouds, and what was expected of heaven or fear’d of hell, are now consumed; 
Mad filaments, ungovernable shoots play out of it—the response likewise ungovernable; 
Hair, bosom, hips, bend of legs, negligent falling hands, all diffused—mine too diffused; 
Ebb stung by the flow, and flow stung by the ebb—love-flesh swelling and deliciously aching; 
Limitless limpid jets of love hot and enormous, quivering jelly of love, white-blow and delirious juice;  60
Bridegroom night of love, working surely and softly into the prostrate dawn; 
Undulating into the willing and yielding day, 
Lost in the cleave of the clasping and sweet-flesh’d day. 
This is the nucleus—after the child is born of woman, the man is born of woman; 
This is the bath of birth—this is the merge of small and large, and the outlet again.  65
Be not ashamed, women—your privilege encloses the rest, and is the exit of the rest; 
You are the gates of the body, and you are the gates of the soul. 
The female contains all qualities, and tempers them—she is in her place, and moves with perfect balance; 
She is all things duly veil’d—she is both passive and active; 
She is to conceive daughters as well as sons, and sons as well as daughters.  70
As I see my soul reflected in nature; 
As I see through a mist, one with inexpressible completeness and beauty, 
See the bent head, and arms folded over the breast—the female I see. 

15 April, 2014

Addicted to: St. Vincent

'Best, finest surgeon — Lee Strasberg, come cut me open,' (Marilyn Monroe)

12 April, 2014

21 January, 2014

bars and movie pick-up lines

Do you know when in a movie there is a bar scene and this one actor asks the bartender to bring a drink to this other person and they always have first eye contact then?
It's kind of on my bucket list

Things to do before you die:

- pay some handsome stranger a drink and see what happens

ah poetry slams, ich vermisse sie schon so

Eines Tages, Baby,
da werden wir alt sein,
Ohh, Baby werden wir alt sein,
Und an all die Geschichten denken, die wir hätten erzählen können.

Ich bin der Meister der Streiche, wenns um Selbstbetrug geht,
bin ein Kleinkind vom feinsten wenn ich vor aufgaben steh.
Bin ein entschleunigtes Teilchen,
kann auf keinsten was reissen, lass mich begeistern für Leichtsinn wenn ein andrer ihn lebt.

Und ich denke zuviel nach.
Ich warte zuviel ab.
Ich nehme mir zu viel vor und ich mach davon zu wenig,
Ich halt mich zu oft zurück,
ich Zweifel alles an, ich wäre gerne klug - allein das ist ziemlich dämlich.
Ich würd gern sovieles sagen,
aber bleibe meistens still, weil wenn ich das alles sagen würde wär das viel zu viel,
Ich würd gern sovieles tun, meine Liste is so lang aber ich werd eh nie alles schaffen,
also fang ich gar nicht an.

Stattdessen häng ich planlos vorm Smartphone,
wart bloß auf den nächsten Freitag
nnnach! das mach ich später - die Baseline meines Alltags.
Ich bin so furchtbar faul wie ein Kieselstein am Meeresgrund,
ich bin so furchtbar faul und mein Patronus ist ein Schweinehund.
Und mein Leben ist ein Wartezimmer - niemand ruft mich auf.
Mein Dopamin das spar ich immer, falls ich es mal brauche
und eines Tages, Baby,
da werde ich alt sein,
Ohh, Baby werde ich alt sein
und an all die Geschichten denken, die ich hätte erzählen können.

Und du?
Du murmelst jedes Jahr neu an Silvester die wiedergleichen Vorsätze treu in dein Sektglas
und ende Dezember stellst du fest, dass du recht hast wenn du sagst, dass du sie dieses Jahr schonwieder vercheckt hast.
Dabei sollte für dich 2013 das erste Jahr vom Rest deines Lebens werden,
du wolltest abnehmen,
früher aufstehen,
öfter rausgehen mal deine Träume angehen,
mal die Tagesschau sehn, für mehr Smalltalk, Allgemeinwissen aber,
So wie jedes Jahr obwohl du nicht damit gerechnet hast kam dir mal wieder dieser Alltag dazwischen.

Unser Leben, ist ein Wartezimmer niemand ruft uns auf,
unser Dopamin das sparn wir immer falls wirs nochmal brauchen
und wir sind jung und haben viel zeit,
warum solln wir was riskiern
wir wolln doch keine Fehler machen, wolln doch nichts verlieren
und es bleibt so viel zu tun.
Unsere Listen bleiben lang,
und so geht Tag für Tag ganz still ins unbekannte Land.

Und eines Tages, Baby,
da werden wir alt sein,
Ohh, Baby werden wir alt sein,
Und an all die Geschichten denken, die wir hätten erzählen können.
Und die Geschichten die wir dann stattdessen erzählen werden traurige Konjunktive sein wie:
Einmal, bin ich fast einen Marathon gelaufen
und hätte fast die Buddenbrooks gelesen
und einmal wär ich fast bis die Wolken wieder Lila warn noch wach geblieben
und fast, fast hätten wir uns mal demaskiert und hätten gesehen wir sind die gleichen und dann hätten wir uns fast gesagt wie viel wir uns bedeuten
- Werden wir sagen

Und das wir bloß Faul und Feige waren, werden wir verschweigen
und uns heimlich wünschen noch ein bisschen hier zu bleiben
wenn wir dann alt sind und unsere tage knapp - und das wird sowieso passieren - dann erst werden wir kapieren,
wir hatten nie was zu verlieren
denn das Leben, das wir führen wollen, das könn wir selber wählen, also
lass uns doch Geschichten schreiben, die wir später gern erzählen,
lass uns nachts lange wachbleiben, aufs höchste Hausdach der Stadt steigen, lachend und vom Takt frei die aller tollsten Lieder singen.
lass uns Feste wie Konfetti schmeißen, sehn wie sie zu Boden reisen und die gefallnen Feste feiern bis die Wolken wieder lila sind.
Und lass mal an uns selber glauben,
is mir egal ob das verrückt ist und wer genau kuckt sieht, das Mut auch bloß ein Anagramm von Glück ist.
Und werimmer wir auch waren,
lass mal werden wer wir sein wolln.
Wir haben schon viel zu lang gewartet, lass mal Dopamin vergolden
Der Sinn des Lebens ist leben. - Das hat schon Casper gesagt
Let’s make the most of the Night - Das hat echo Ke$ha gesagt
lass uns möglichst viele Fehler machen
und möglichst viel aus ihnen lernen
lass uns jetzt schon gutes sähen, damit wir später gutes ernten.
lass uns alles tun weil wir können und nicht müssen
Weil jetzt sind wir jung und lebendig und das soll ruhig jeder wissen
unsre Zeit die geht vorbei
das wird sowieso passieren
und bis dahin sind wir frei
und es gibt nichts zu verlieren
lass uns uns mal demaskieren und dann sehn wir sind die gleichen und dann könn wir uns ruhig sagen, das wir uns viel bedeuten
denn das leben was wir führen wollen, das können wir selber wählen.

Also: Los
Schreiben wir Geschichten die wir später gern erzählen
Und eines Tages, Baby,
da werden wir alt sein,
Ohh, Baby werden wir alt sein,
Und an all die Geschichten denken, die für immer unsre sind.

17 January, 2014

tweet at the wall #1

Thanks for answering, I thought I would never hear from you ever again.

Inc's Inspiration Quotes

1. “Only a genius can do things his own way. You? You’re no genius.” I worked a construction job one summer and kept questioning what I was told to do. The foreman finally, in no uncertain terms, set me straight. It’s okay to reinvent the wheel, but only after you know how the current wheel works. Never assume you know better when you don’t really know anything.
2. “If you want to know how much you’ll be missed when you are gone, put your finger in a bucket of water and then remove it. The hole that’s left will be how much you are missed.” No one is irreplaceable. No one. Not even this guy. Instead of depressing, the thought we’re professionally replaceable is liberating. You may not leave a hole, but you can leave a mark on a person, a team, or a culture that lives on after you’re gone.
You may not be missed but you can be remembered–in the best possible way.
3. “We all have limits. Almost no one reaches theirs. You definitely haven’t.” You could swim faster if a shark was on your tail. You could run faster if your child was in danger. You could work harder if the payoff was truly exceptional.
What we think we can do is always–always–less than what we can do if we really, reallytry. We always have a little more in us. Find your true limits and you may find that success is limitless.
4. “Unless you’re the lead dog in the sled, the view never changes.” Following the crowd means living the same life as the crowd. You don’t want that.
5. “There are two types of pain you will go through in life: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces while regret weights tons.” (Original to Jim Rohn.) The worst words you can say are, “I just wish I had…” Push yourself to do what you hope to do… so you will never have to regret not having tried.
6. “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” (Gotta love Dean Wormer.) I haven’t overcome the stupid part… but I’m trying.
7. “The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one.” (Original to Ernest Hemingway.) Think about easing into a cold ocean; every inch is excruciating. Dive in and it sucks big time, but then it’s over. It’s even worse to turn away from what scares you because when you do, deep inside, a little piece of you withers and dies.
Dive in. It’s never as cold, or as bad, as you think.
8. “Today’s pain is tomorrow’s power. The more you suffer today, the stronger you are tomorrow.” Self-pity is self-defeating. Tomorrow’s success is based on today’s discomfort. Plus willpower is like a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger your will gets.
And the easier it is to call on when dedication and persistence make all the difference.
9. “Bravery means finding something more important than fear.” Courage without meaning is just recklessness. Brave people aren’t fearless; they’ve simply found something that matters more to them than the fear they’re facing. Say you’re scared to start a business. Find a reason that has greater meaning than the fear: Your family’s future, your desire to make a difference, or your dream of a more fulfilling life.
When you find a greater meaning you find the courage to overcome your fear.
10. “Do it or not. There is no try.” (Original Yoda, philosopher and avant-garde sentence constructor.) A boss once gave me what I thought was an impossible task. I said, “Okay… I’ll try.” He explained that I would finish as long as I didn’t quit. Trying didn’t enter into it. Persistence was all that mattered.
Often we say, “I’ll try…” because it gives us an out. Once we say, “I will,” our perspective changes. What previously seemed insurmountable is no longer a matter of luck or chance but of time and effort and persistence.
When what you want to do really matters, never say, “I’ll try.” Say, “I will,” and keep that promise to yourself.
11. “Stop waiting for the ‘right time.’ Success is a numbers game: the number of times you take a shot.” You’ll never create the perfect business plan, never find the perfect partners, the perfect market, the perfect location, but you can find the perfect time to start.
That time is now.
Talent, experience, and connections are important, but put your all into enough new things and some will work. Take enough shots and over time you’ll grow more skilled, more experienced, and more connected. And that will mean a greater percentage of your efforts will succeed. Take enough shots, learn from what didn’t work, and in time you’ll have all the skills, experience, and connections you need.
Ultimately success is all about taking your shot, over and over again. Sometimes you may win, sometimes you will definitely lose, but the more things you try the more chances you have of succeeding. Put the power of numbers on your side. Take as many shots as you can. There’s no guarantee of success, but when you don’t take a shot, there’s a definite guarantee of failure.
12. “Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die.” The same holds for bitterness. And jealousy. And dislike. Let it go. If you don’t, the only loser is you.
13. “The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland.” (Me.) Everyone says they go the extra mile, but almost no one actually does. Most people think, “Wait… no one else is here… why am I doing this?”
That’s why the extra mile is such a lonely place. That’s also why the extra mile is a place filled with opportunities. Be early. Stay late. Make the extra phone call. Send the extra email. Do the extra research. Help a customer unload or unpack a shipment. Don’t wait to be asked; offer. Every time you do something, think of one extra thing you can do–especially if other people aren’t doing that one thing. Sure, it’s hard.
But that’s what will make you different–and over time will make you incredibly successful.
14. “It’s just a flesh wound.”The Black Knight never gives up.
Neither should we.


The Fourteenth Book

[ A short book with a long title.]
Title: What Can a Thoughtful Man Hope for Mankind on Earth, Given the Experience of the Past Million Years?

Only verse: Nothing.

(Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle)

14 January, 2014

YOU STARTED A BUSINESS... but... things aren't working out

When starting a business you might feel like you're on top of the world. Much like Leonardo DiCaprio screaming out loud "I'm the king of the world" you feel motivated to achieve certain goals.
When the path gets rocky ahead, you might feel like you were not cut out for the job.
I guess I had one of those moments a few days ago.

The best thing I could have read on this subject just appeared on my Facebook feed and I am so glad I read it.
This is why I want to share it here with you: it's probably the most valuable message you can read when you've started a business and you're feeling like crap, like you have failed.

read here:

11 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Business 


Stephanie StClaire