23 June, 2012

c'est ça qu'est la verité

Si on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, on doit aimer ce qu'on a

22 June, 2012

a Lover's Discourse - roland barthes

"There's a point (...) when he says the situation of a rejected lover is not unlike the situation of a prisoner in Dachau. (...) It's about the loss of self. And when you lose yourself where do you go? There's nowhere to go, it's actually a kind of madness."

"When you love obsessively, you do lose yourself. And when you then lose the object of your love , you have none of the normal resources to fall back on. It can completely destroy you. And very obviously concentration camps are about dehumanizing people before they are killed. I wanted to raise some questions about these two extreme and apparently different situations."

Sarah Kane in "Love me or Kill me" by Graham Saunders