31 March, 2009

blog doctor

Qualquer pessoa que tenha um blog e que queira actualizar o design no blogger, poder agora actualizar a versão do blog passando para um novo formato.
O novo formato envolve códigos mais complicados para leigos como eu. Até agora nao consegui modificar nada com sucesso, mas no website do BLOGDOCTOR há muita ajuda disponível para todos aqueles que têm dificuldades com o novo formato e que recebem mensagens de erro quando tentam actualizar algo.

19 March, 2009

towards a self-sufficient style

I came upon a very interesting website, about many many things: how to grow garlic, or how to save money on eggs by raising chicken =) it also has some new and quick recipes like their "easy coffee cake recipe". yummi!
funny and refreshing ideas from Blagger

I also found a very interesting Vlog User called Sarah. In her channel she makes a lot of videos explaining how she used to live during the depression. She had to live sometimes without any toilett paper, coffee or tee, so she teaches you about all the alternatives.
All the videos I watched are extremely interesting and educational. I have learned a lot thanks to her. =)
here the link to her youtube channel

bolos fáceis

Bolo de chocolate no microondas (receita para 1 pessoa)
(o bolo mais rápido de se fazer no mundo)

* 1 colher (de sopa: sp) de farinha
* 1 colher (sp) de cacau
* 1 colher (sp) de açúcar
* 1 ovo
* fermento qb

Misturar os ingredientes dentro de uma tigela ou copo. Vai ao microondas durante 1 minuto e está pronto.

schnellster Schokokuchen der Welt, für eine Person

- 1EL Mehl
- 1EL Kakau
- 1EL Zucker
- 1 Ei
- Backpulver auch falls vorhanden

Alles mischen und in einem Schüssel oder Glas reingeben. In der Mikrowelle 1 Minute kochen lassen und es ist fertig.

Bolo de Iogurte

* 1 embalagem (em copo de plástico) de iogurte natural
para os outros ingredientes utiliza-se a embalagem do iogurte como medida

* 1/2 copo de óleo
* 2 copos de açúcar
* 2 copos de farinha de trigo
* 4 ovos
* 1 colher (sp) de fermento

1. Pré aquecer o forno em temperatura média
2. Juntar todos os ingredientes e misturar bem
3. Colocar a massa numa forma untada, a forma não deverá estar mais do que 1/3 cheia. O bolo cresce muito.
5. Cozer em temperatura média por aproximadamente 40 minutos

Opção: decorar o bolo polvilhando com açúcar e canela
ou adicionar à massa crua sumo de limao, e no fim algumas raspas de limão por cima do bolo já pronto

writing a letter/ Briefmuster / escrever uma carta / lettre

writing a letter guide here
Dear Sir/Madam,

Attached please find my homework assignment.

Best/Kind regards

Musterbriefe unter briefform.de

Sehr geehrte Frau x / Herr x,

Anbei finden Sie die Hausübung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Aqui está uma sugestão de uma carta de candidatura (a um anúncio). esta foi escrita para uma aula de Português.

Maria Aguiar
Av. Da Républica Nº 5
1050 Lisboa
Telefone: 21 1234567
e-mail: mariaaguiar@exemplo.pt

Exmos. Srs. do Departamento de Recursos Humanos
Da Ordem dos Farmacêuticos da
Secção Regional de Lisboa
Rua da Sociedade Farmacêutica, N°18
1169-075 Lisboa

Lisboa, 11 de Novembro de 2008

Em resposta ao vosso anúncio do dia 10 de Novembro de 2008 apresento por este meio a minha candidatura para o cargo de secretária técnica da secção regional de Lisboa da Ordem dos Farmacêuticos.
O meu nome é Maria Aguiar, sou licenciada em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa e possuo de disponibilidade imediata para preencher o cargo.
A formação em ciências farmacêuticas é uma formação científica sólida que possibilita ao licenciado desempenhar variadas funções no âmbito técnico e de avaliação, nomeadamente nos Registos e na Regulamentação Farmacêutica. Como profissional nesta área estou por isso por isso habilitada a exercer com competência e responsabilidade as actividades que integram a função de secretária técnica e sei que este é o melhor local para desenvolver as competências que adquiri na minha formação.
Gostaria de, numa entrevista pessoal, poder apresentar outras informações que penso serem de mútuo interesse.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Maria Aguiar

Curriculum vitae

14 March, 2009

short story

Winter 2008 by Mariana Agria

We had been walking for miles and I was starting to become tired, not only because my feet had started to ache but also because Joe could not stop talking. He was not like the other boys I knew from school. He seemed much more shy when he was with the other classmates. I don’t know why I decided to ask him where he was going after school. Now his trifling conversations were boring me. He was telling me about how he once got himself cut in a crevice on that very same spot where we were standing when he suddenly chuckled. He was starting to annoy me with his silly stories. ‘Here it was! See that crack over there on that rock? We were running from the shepherd when I suddenly fell and cut my hand.’
‘Why were even you running from a shepherd?’ I asked quickly, suspecting foul play. He did not answer right away, I think he was pondering if should tell me the reason or not. I harkened while he strode along the roadside. ‘Well, I was with the other guys from school and we kind of got mad at the sheep because they were so loud. We were trying to take a nap on the grass and they were really loud. One of the sheep just had had little lambs and you can’t imagine how loud they all were. So… You know Tom? Tom and me, we stifled one of the baby lambs…’
I was vexed and could not believe him. He kept going as if was a natural thing, explaining how he had deceived the shepherd when he found out one of the sheep had died. Then he started praising his own sagacity and his cunning behavior, because he had been much smarter than Tom. ‘You see, he does not even know how to trick somebody during a chase. I do!’

08 March, 2009

e-books for free

I knew that the Project Gutenberg had lots and lots of stuff, but I had no idea it had AUDIOBOOKS!!!
Bram Stoker's Dracula

or neither did I know they tons of books of contemporary authors like they do of Susan Sontag On Photography

well well.. the least of surprises had to be Nietzsche...
The Birth Of Tragedy

or the many books about his philosophy:
The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche
Who is to be Master of the World?
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche

The Gist of Nietzsche

I will give these a go soon, because of an essay I have to write. I'm terribly worried about it.
Next week start my ballett classes =) at least something good amidst the stress

oh and even a book on avant-garde film published by the Berkeley UniversityLight Moving in Time

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