The Médecins Sans Frontières also known as Doctors Without Borders is one of the noblest and most active non-governmental organizations that exist today.
Transition sentence: The Doctors Without Borders (MSF) was established in the early 70’s after the merging of two already existing Organizations: "Emergency Medical and Surgical Intervention Group" and the "French Medical Relief".
a. The MSF are lifesavers that have worked several times in countries at war, even when under fire.
b. Their intervention in emergencies is very fast, and they also make long-term missions in countries in need of help.
c. The MSF are also active in the western countries appealing for action and denouncing genocides and abuses, for example.
a: Arguments: The MSF intervene whenever it is necessary, no matter where they have to take action, or who is in need of help. The most admiring interventions are those when exposed to hostile fire in war zones.
Example: They’re efforts in Sudan for more than 25 years now, set a good example. The MSF have witnessed the civil war, civilian massacres but they continued their voluntary work even after several arrests of volunteers
b: Arguments: The MSF are capable of fast interventions just when the situation can be most critical. They help victims of natural disasters by providing clean water and medical aid.
Example: They create refugee camps like those in Thailand, after the immigration of millions of Cambodians to the country, and the MSF stay as long as necessary, just until the country’s healthcare system is reconstructed and capable of handling the victims.
c: Arguments: The MSF not only want to provide with essential care for the wounded or the famine, it is also important to emphasize the victim’s rights and awake the world’s awareness to ongoing critical situations in several countries, if possible.
Example: The MSF has been responsible for the denunciation of the abuse of international aid in Ethiopia after a famine crisis during the 80’s. After this the MSF were expelled and were prevented from continuing their aid.
Information taken out of Wikipedia
Official Website